Custom pieces

Here at LouiseM studio HQ we’ve been receiving requests for custom works at an unprecedented rate over the last year or so. We are so happy to be making pieces to order, custom works, personalised works and new things altogether, and to hear about how the pieces are joyously received in the case of gifts! If you have any images of your pieces in use, we would love to see them and feature them in our social media posts. Here are some of the most recent pieces made in the last few months.

If any of these images are sparking ideas for you, get in touch at and we’ll see what we can do for you!

New website in the works

Hello everyone, I know I’ve been promising it forever, but I’m finally getting a move-on with my new website, and here it is, in it’s very rudimentary beginnings. In addition to a gallery and information about what I do, I am also hoping to add a shop function. Thanks for your patience, and in the mean-time you can still visit my old site